Here you are looking to check the number of “Reallocs” and “Pending sectors”. Once in diagnostic mode, select “Manual Test”, “IO”, “HardDrive” and finally “HDSMARTData”. The below link provides some further information on diagnostic mode: You'll then need to hold the centre and Back buttons during boot to enter diagnostic mode. To enter diagnostic mode, hold the centre and Menu buttons to restart the device. You can investigate further by checking some SMART values displayed in the device's diagnostics mode. Typically these indicate a problem with the device's hard drive. Hangs when running commands on the device, specifically when performing I/O commands on certain files, or when running chkdsk /R on the device
Is it safe to update to the latest version of iTunes? Update 2009.11.06 Gigabyte have also released updates with comment “Fix iphone sync issue” So if you are using a P55 board ensure you are using the latest BIOS version and look out for BIOS updates over the next few days.
Update 2009.11.05 ASUS have released a new BIOS version today (on their download server but not on the download pages yet) for their P55 line-up which I can confirm appears to correct the problem. If this issue has occurred to you, in order to recover any files copied which were not added to the iPod database you should reconnect the device and use the 'Recover orphaned files' command to re-add them to the database. Update: This seems quite relevant, for those such as me using a P55 chipset. You may also see messages like “AFCxxx returned 12/23/3/6” (note: only these error codes relate to the issue). It may be that the ports on internal USB headers are on a different controller, so it could be worth connecting those.) Some have reported that toggling any options to do with CPU C-States in CMOS setup helps. (Check using device manager how many USB controllers you have, what devices are connected to each etc. The problem may be resolved by connecting the device to a USB port on a different controller.

Communication between device and computer stops during the problematic period and if a time-out period is reached the attempt is aborted and further operations fail until a new successful connection is made (e.g. It tends to happen on affected computers when there is a reasonable CPU load (e.g. This is low-level system-specific problem relating to USB communication between the device and computer. Finally, hit Run button to split APE file.Summary: Check that you are using the latest BIOS version available from your motherboard or computer manufacturer. Then specify an output folder by clicking the inverted triangle icon. Expand the output format list and select a desired audio format under Audio category on the right side, such as convert APE to FLAC. After done, click OK to go back to the main interface of the APE converter.

Alternatively, enter Start/End time to make it more accurate. Here you can drag the two sliders to determine each track and hit the green Trim button to split multiple chunks. Press the scissor-shaped Trim icon to pop up a new window. Click on "Add Files" and simply drag-and-drop to import the large APE album file.
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So it can be used as an APE splitter to complete the job. Free HD Video Converter Factory is a user-friendly video/audio conversion program that supports splitting audio/video into parts.